
Best poster award Sponsored by EPL:

Co-Chairmen of the Program Committee 

Prof. Aldo Di Carlo (University of Rome "Tor Vergata")
Prof. Alexey Kavokin (University of Southampton)
Prof. Luis Viña (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Scientific Summary 

One of the main objectives of the POLATOM network is to enhance the contacts and collaborations between the scientists working on the fields of cold atoms and on exciton polaritons. To achieve this, it is especially important that training and information on the physics of both fields is conveyed to early stage researches working on the other field.

The school will provide the students with the background behind the most recent developments in the fields of cold atoms, excitons, exciton-polaritons and surface plasmon-polaritons. Introductory lectures will be given by experts of these fields covering the main aspects of the underlying physics. Therefore the physics of condensation and related effects such as superfluidity in matter (cold atoms), light-matter (polaritons and surface plasmon-polaritons) systems will be covered. The lectures will be imparted by researchers of three ITNs: “Exciton-polaritons: Physics and Applications”, “Spinoptronics” and “Indirect Excitons: Fundamental Physics and Applications” as well as other renowned scientists. Students form these ITNs will be encouraged to participate in the school which will be also open to students working on other field of physics, who would like to extend their knowledge in physics, and to more senior scientists who may be interested in educating themselves. Consequently, the school will give the chance to these communities to educate each other, and to other communities to learn about the exciting physics carried out in cold atoms, exciton- and surface plasmon-polaritons. During the school, according to the tradition of previous Maratea schools, some lectures on Nanophotonics and Nanovoltaics will be also imparted.

The school, as it was the case during the previous POLATOM meetings, will be structured to give the maximum opportunity for informal discussion between the lecturers and the students.