POLATOM Research Networking Programme - Summer School

Cold atoms, excitons, exciton-polaritons and surface plasmon-polaritons

The school is organized together with the International School of Nanophotonics and Photovoltaics: 


This is the sixth scientific meeting within the ESF research networking programme “POLATOM”. The meeting will take place in Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy; it will be co-chaired by Luis Viña and Alexey Kavokin. It will complement the activities of the previous POLATOM meetings in Crete (Greece, May 2011), Toledo (Spain, May 2012) and Cambridge (UK, September 2012) with six days of graduate school.

The school will follow the scope of the POLATOM Network, offering the students the opportunity to cross the borders between cold atom physics and the physics of excitations in semiconductors strong coupled to light. Slightly differently from the previous meetings, the lectures of the school will not only cover the most recent advances in cold atoms and exciton-polaritons but will deal also with the fast developing field of surface plasmon-polaritons. The lectures typically will last 2 hours.

Deadline for financial support: May 31, 2013
Communication of support: June 5, 2013